Saturday, January 26, 2013

The First Full Moon Of 2013 The Wolf Moon

The January full Moon , known as the Wolf Moon received its name long ago by the Native Americans the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior, of what is now Northern and Eastern United States. Tribes kept track of seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring Full Moon. The settlers followed that custom and created some of their own names. Since the lunar month is only 29 days long on the average, the full Moon days shift from year to year. The full Wolf Moon - January Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter the wolf packs howled hungrily out side the Indian villages. Thus, the name for January's full Moon be came the Wolf Moon.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Artistic Visitor From The North

We are definitely getting some cold weather here in New Hampshire. With that cold North East wind blowing down on us from Canada, and upon my windows are the artistic signature of Jack Frost, although I'm not a fan of it being quite so cold, I love the art he has left for us to view from in side my warm cozy country home.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blanketed in Snow

 While watching out my kitchen window, as the quiet snow was falling so softly making everything so picturesque, I could not wait to go and see how my yard looked with the new fresh blanket of snow.
 my bird feeder was quite busy with the coming and goings of my feathered friends the chickadee, one of my favorites, singing there spring song with such optimism that spring would be here soon

my sleeping garden is covered with a fluffy blanket of snow giving that brown dead look a fresh clean look, the leafless tree's show up so clear, with every limb out lined with the heavy wet snow, bringing a new dimension to the view in black and white,                                   

 the evergreen trees  so heavy with snow, the limbs bending down to ground, so beautiful, with the bright white snow on the ever so deep green needles,
 the weighed down branches almost touching the open water of our babbling brook,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


 I know this by the name sundog, the scientific name is parhelion, from Greek meaning "beside the sun" it has also been called a mock sun or a phantom sun. I took these pictures in the beginning of Jan. just before sunset.